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Dave Kinsey

When exploring the theme of the human condition, the focus often centers on the fundamental aspects of existence primarily expressed through the human form. Kinsey, intrigued by this subject matter, invites viewers to contemplate the complex issues of existence through an array of mediums he chooses to implement within the space of painting and sculpture. Initially navigating between various artistic avenues beginning in the 90s within design, illustration and painting he inadvertently laid the groundwork for his trajectory towards becoming fully enveloped as a full-time visual artist.


Kinsey's art has earned him international recognition, exhibiting in esteemed international galleries and institutions like the ICA in Encinitas, CA; The Yerba Buena Center of the Arts, San Francisco; Alice Gallery, Brussels, Belgium; Library Street Collective, Detroit; Studiocromie, Grottaglie, Italy; Jules Maeght Gallery, San Francisco; BLK/MRKT Gallery, Los Angeles; among many others.



“My Relief works are indicative of geographical formations and mimic the contours of the earth’s surface. They explore the intricate dynamism of natural forces—wind, water, erosion—coupled with human intervention that have altered the planet’s surface over time. Moreover, they reflect the enduring imprints of our existence, the human form perpetually imbued within the Earth’s ever-changing fabric.


Through this series, I also sought to challenge the flatness inherent in traditional two-dimensional painting by infusing elements of sculpture, a new medium I began to explore in 2017. Shortly thereafter, I found myself at a creative impasse with traditional painting and methods, sensing a cyclical habit in my artistic process. It was through this realization that the Relief pieces emerged, marking a departure from past convention in an attempt to infuse a new visual language into my work.”



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